Business outcome management (Self paced)
2. Pre-recorded (Self paced)
Business strategy
Business outcome management (Self paced)
One of the most difficult tasks for any manager is the execution of strategy. This task is made more difficult when senior management do not have a common understanding of the ‘end game’ and disagree on how the strategic outcomes will be...
Business strategy and the drivers of shareholder value (Self paced)
2. Pre-recorded (Self paced)
Business strategy
Business strategy and the drivers of shareholder value (Self paced)
Developing strategic leadership requires an understanding of the importance of, and the alignment between, the drivers of shareholder value and the business strategy. This course will provide the student with a rich understanding of the options...
Customer value management (Self Paced)
2. Pre-recorded (Self paced)
Business strategy
Customer value management (Self Paced)
This course discusses what is required to create a competitive advantage through understanding the voice of the customer and how an improved customer experience drives shareholder value. It includes identifying and understanding the ‘moments of...

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